JUNEAU, Wis. — The Professional Dairy Producers (PDPW) introduces its 2023-24 Educational Programs & Events Calendar with a full schedule of educational events and elite training opportunities to assist dairy farmers and industry professionals in strategically managing their businesses and careers for success.
The PDPW program calendar is developed by the organization’s producer-led board of directors with input from PDPW members across Wisconsin and other areas of the country based on the educational needs they feel are most urgent. Programs are designed for dairy farm owners, managers, employees and allied industry with a focus on building and strengthening the entire dairy community.
“The need for dairy farmers to stay up-to-date on the latest research, management practices and news for their farms is more important than ever,” said Shelly Mayer, executive director of PDPW and dairy farmer from Slinger, Wis. “The 2023-24 educational program lineup brings in the leading experts on the most pressing topics for today’s dairy industry, and we’re expanding the number of programs with simultaneous Spanish translation to ensure that every member of a dairy’s team can learn about these critical topics.”
Signature programs that PDPW will once again organize include:
- Agricultural Community Engagement® (ACE) Twilight Meetings (August 28, 29, 30, 31, 2023) will feature farm tours and open conversation with community leaders on topics critical to rural Wisconsin. Organized by the Wisconsin Towns Association, Wisconsin Counties Association, Pheasants Forever and PDPW.
- Financial Literacy for Dairy provides three tiers of dairy-focused financial training:
- Level 1 – Nov. 8-9, Dec. 6-7, 2023
- Level 2 – Jan. 17-18, Feb. 7-8, Feb. 28-29, 2024
- Level 3 – Mar. 20-21, 2024
- Stride™ Youth Leadership Conference (Sept. 23, 2023) is a one-day program for youth ages 15 to 18 to build leadership, teamwork and communications skills.
- Dairy Insights Summit (Nov. 28, 2023) will bring together innovative farmers, industry professionals and policymakers to understand and discuss today’s complex issues.
- Managers Academy for Dairy Professionals® (Jan. 9-11, 2024) will provide executive level training with national speakers, out-of-industry tours and networking with progressive, forward-thinking peers.
- Dairy Wellbeing Workshop (Feb. 6, 7, 2024) will cover key topics in animal welfare and opportunities to improve animal care on farms and across the industry.
PDPW will also offer a number of programming opportunities with simultaneous Spanish translation, including:
- Dairy Managers Institute® (Dec. 12-13, 2023) will be simultaneously translated into Spanish in all three tiers of training designed for mid-managers to stretch and grow their management skills.
- Herdsperson Workshop (Oct. 11, 12, 2023) will key in on some of the biggest challenges in managing dairy herds and is designed for dairy farmers, herd managers, nutritionists, veterinarians and more.
- Calf Care Connection® (Oct. 17, 18, 19, 2023) will provide a deep dive into key issues for raising healthy calves.
- Cornerstone Dairy Academy® (March 12, 2024) delivers training for critical leadership and people-development skills in the three-pillar training program designed for dairy farmers and industry professionals.
- PDPW Business Conference (March 13-14, 2024) will feature a full slate of leading experts, producer panels and networking opportunities.
- Hoof Health Workshop (June 4, 11, 18, 2024) will provide hands-on, on-farm training and the latest in hoof management practices and research.
Details and registration information are available for all programs at www.pdpw.org or by calling PDPW at 800-947-7379. Due to the rapidly changing environment in the dairy industry, our program calendar will remain flexible in order to adjust to member needs.
Dairy farmers, students and industry professionals can find, track and record their continuing education and professional development through Dairy AdvanCE®. The online tool has emerged as dairy’s go-to resource for finding accredited professional development offerings. Learn more and register at dairyadvance.org. Several programs will also qualify for continuing education credits from programs including ARPAS, CCA and RACE.
Professional Dairy Producers (PDPW) is the nation’s largest dairy producer-led organization of its kind, focusing on producer professionalism, stakeholder engagement and unified outreach to share ideas, solutions, resources and experiences that help dairy producers succeed.”
— Professional Dairy Producers