BURLINGTON ,Vt. — Dr. Mitch Hunter, a sustainable agriculture and climate resilience expert, has been tapped as the keynote speaker for the fifth annual Northeast Cover Crops Council (NECCC) Conference, March 10 and 11.
Hunter, an American Farmland Trust research director, will give a presentation, “All the C’s: Congress, Cover Crops, Climate, Carbon and Conservation,” covering a number of topics of importance to farmers and researchers. The conference will be held virtually from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on both days and include graduate student lightning talks and several concurrent sessions led by researchers, Extension and industry personnel and agricultural producers from throughout the country.
Registration is $75, payable by noon on March 7. Certified Crop Advisor credits are available.
For conference details or to register, go to http://go.uvm.edu/
On March 10 concurrent sessions will focus on three main areas: cover crops and integrated pest management, cover crops and tarping in vegetable systems and on-farm research. Topic areas for the second day will be precision sustainable agriculture, corn and soybean research and cover cropping strategies for weed management. Participants also will receive information on cover crop tools, including the seeding rate and cover crop selector tool.
Recordings of the presentations will be available for two weeks after the conference for presenters and registered attendees.
The conference is hosted by NECCC, PASA and University of Vermont Extension in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture and the University of Minnesota Digital Center for Risk Management Education Center.
–UVM Extension