CAZENOVIA, N.Y. — Cornell Cooperative Extension of Oneida Co. will offer a summer Twilight Tour series in conjunction with the Young Farmers Discussion Group. All interested agricultural producers and farmers are encouraged to attend the upcoming Twilight Tour of Meadowood Farms scheduled for Thursday July 6th beginning at 7pm. Located at 5157 Ridge Rd. in Cazenovia, Meadowood Farms is a 225-pasture based dairy-sheep and beef operation with a passion for land and water conservation practices. Immediately following the tour, participants are encouraged to stay for additional discussion and conversation on the topics of lease agreements and communicating with landowners. An introduction to the online resource from American Farmland Trust known as, Farmland to the Next Generation will be highlighted. Registration for the Twilight Tours is required by emailing Marylynn at [email protected] or by texting to 315.368.8603 by July 5 2023. For more information on the Young Farmers Discussion Group and additional Twilight Tour activities, please email [email protected].
–Cornell Cooperative Extension of Oneida County