RALEIGH, N.C. — USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) invites Yadkin County residents and other interested individuals to review the draft rehabilitation plan for the Deep Creek Watershed Dam No. 19A and Dam 21. These dams are earthen embankments located in Yadkin County, North Carolina. The dams were designed by NRCS and constructed in 1961 and 1964, respectively, as significant hazard class dams. The dams have provided flood protection for over 50 years for downstream property and infrastructure. However, both dams are now classified as high hazard structures and they do not meet current safety and performance criteria.
Hard copies will be available at the Yadkin County library in Yadkinville, North Carolina. An electronic version can be found at https://nrcs.box.com/v/DeepCreekDraftPlan19A21 through September 29, 2023.
NRCS built the original structures in cooperation with Yadkin County and the Yadkin Soil and Water Conservation District (referred to as sponsors). The agency then worked with these sponsors to develop the plan for the rehabilitation project.
NRCS Small Watershed Rehabilitation funds will cover $15,269,600 of the estimated $21,773,800 in total project installation costs. The remaining $6,504,200 will come from non-federal funds. Current levels of flood protection downstream will be retained and the rehabilitated structures will have a new life expectancy of 50 years from the construction completion date.
Public comments should be sent to Timothy Beard, State Conservationist, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, 4407 Bland Road, Suite 117, Raleigh, NC 27609 by September 29, 2023. Specific inquiries about this rehabilitation plan can be referred to Jason Walker with the Yadkin Soil and Water Conservation District, by phone at (336) 466-1003 or by email at [email protected].
–Joshua Hammond, USDA-NRCS