WEST CHESTER, Pa. — The Spirit of the 4-H Award started in 1998 by Saddle Up 4-H Horse and Pony Club. The award went to a member of the club that demonstrated the most spirit, enthusiasm, and willingness to do anything for 4-H or the community. It was an honor for 4-H members to be awarded the Spirit of 4-H Award. 4-H club leaders nominate one member from each club that demonstrated the most spirit, enthusiasm, and willingness to do anything for 4-H or the community. Once nominated the members are asked to complete and return an application to be reviewed by the 4-H Program Development Committee who selects the Chester County 4-H member that is most deserving of the award.
In 2023 Chester County 4-H honored one winner of the Spirit of 4-H Award and three additional 4-H members with Certificates of Achievement.
Those youth being recognized with Certificates are:
Audrey Ibach is a six-year member of the Northern Chester County Horse club. She is active in her club serving in different leadership positions, helping with her club horse show and participating in several community events representing 4-H. She has attended the 4-H State Leadership conference to expand her leadership and communication skills and competed in the hippology contest to expand her equine skills.
River Lease is a nine-year member that participates in the 4-H livestock program raising and showing goats, sheep, and beef as well as participating in the livestock judging team. His 4-H experience has opened his eyes to careers in agriculture and led him to his current job at a local dairy farm as well as his own small farm to table business selling home grown meat and eggs. His leader, Betsy Macauley, said he exemplifies the spirit of 4-H and has seen tremendous leadership development. He mentors less experienced members of the judging team without hesitation and is a great representative of Chester County at local, regional, state, and national livestock events.
Olivia Macomber is in her final year of 4-H having had an exemplary 9 year 4-H career. She credits 4-H as helping her grow to the person she is today crediting the 4-H community help her overcome being shy and afraid to speak to people, to now being able to speak to groups with confidence. Her 4-H family has continued to support her as she moved out of state for college while staying active on the Chester County Livestock judging team and participating in club meetings using virtual meeting platforms. She has participated in various Pennsylvania and national agriculture and leadership conferences through her involvement in 4-H and the Twin Valley FFA programs.
Our winner of the 2023 Chester County Spirit of 4-H Award is Emma Uhlman. Emma is a 10 year 4-H member who participates in the Beef, Sheep, and Swine clubs. She credits 4-H with helping prepare her for future life and find a strong passion for Agriculture. She feels that participating in 4-H has taught her about hard work and prepared her for whatever life throws at her. She has engaged in several community events to promote agriculture and made many friends through her 4-H journey. Her leader, Tiffany Bell, says Emma is a real go-getter and always willing to volunteer without hesitation to take on leadership within the Beef Club. Emma will be attending Penn State in the Fall and resides in West Whiteland Township
Emma received a plaque in recognition for being selected winner of the Spirit of 4-H Award, as well as having her name on a plaque displayed at the 4-H Center.
–Penn State Extension