WOOSTER, Ohio — Nutrient runoff and algal blooms are a growing problem while fertilizer costs are at an all-time high. Best Management Practice (BMP) Field Day is an event to address these problems and offer solutions for farmers, students, and community members interested in attending.
BMP Field Day is a full day event to learn more about phosphorus usage, the environment, and strategies to save on fertilizer. BMP Field Day will be held in-person March 29 at the Secrest Welcome Center at the Ohio Agricultural Research & Development Center in Wooster. Sign-in starts at 8 a.m., the event starts at 8:30 a.m., and ends at 4 p.m.
This event is provided free for farmers, students and community members because of generous sponsorship from the USDA NIFA and is co-hosted by Virginia Tech and the Ohio State University. Registration includes a free lunch and tour of OARDC field sites. 4.5 CLM and 5.5 CCA credits will be available for attendees. Registration is free but required by March 20. For more information and to register, visit https://bmpfieldday.carrd.co.
BMP Field Day will feature a variety of extension specialists and research scientists with expertise in phosphorus and how it relates to soil, water, crop health and more. The afternoon session will feature a Poster & Demo Symposium to showcase strategies to decrease fertilizer usage and costs while maximizing crop growth and protecting the watersheds. Attendees will also be transported on a tour bus to view two of OARDC’s large-scale BMPs: a Sediment Capture and Reuse field site and Smart Drainage Field demonstration.
Please contact Dr. Catherine Freed ([email protected]) with any questions or for additional information regarding the event.
— USDA NIFA, Virginia Tech and Ohio State University