ITHACA, N.Y. — The Cornell University Department of Animal Science is pleased to announce Animal Crackers 2018, “Hop To It and Moove It”, on Saturday, May 5th, 2018 on the Cornell University campus. This year’s program will highlight dairy and rabbit topics. 4-H youth 9-12 years old or those with beginner to intermediate knowledge of the covered species are invited to participate.
Interesting, educational, hands-on activities are planned to make Animal Crackers a memorable learning event. Participants will have the opportunity to learn about dairy or rabbit care, biology, and management while having fun participating in a variety of interactive activities, with 4-H’ers from across NYS. Dairy workshops include:
- Holy Cow–Rather than a small stomach like people have, dairy cattle have a different type of digestive system with a large stomach with four parts. Learn more about this special type of digestive system and have a look and feel inside a live cow rumen.
- Wet & Dry sheets-Do different types of bedding materials make a difference in warmth and absorption? What types will be best for my calves? My cows? Does the weather outside make a difference? Time to get down and dirty and you decide.
- Moo Recycling Center-The dairy cow is a lean, mean recycling machine. She can recycle what goes in and what comes out. Learn about all the different things she can eat and what we can do with the manure.
- Quality Assurance– As part of the dairy field, we are in the business of producing food. Learning how to read a medicine label, understanding what it all means, and keeping records builds character and creates a responsible animal owner.
- Milk Olympics-Learn what it takes to make Super Milk and prevent mastitis from udder to bulk tank. Guaranteed to be an udderly good time.
- Doctor Moo-SubQ and IM, what does that have to do with me and being an animal owner? As a responsible animal caregiver, you might have to give her a shot of medicine sometime. Let’s go bananas and learn about giving injections under the skin and in the muscle.
Rabbit workshops include:
- What’s My Type? You will experience an introduction to 5 body types and 4 fur types from an experienced rabbit raiser and judge. What better way to gain hands-on knowledge than from an up close and personal visit with some furry friends.
- Green Genes-No, these are not the jeans you wear. Learn more about rabbit genes, genetics, colors, and the difference between genotype and phenotype from a 4-H alumni and judge.
- Handle with Care– Learn about proper care and handling techniques from an experienced raiser. You too can become an expert with practice.
- Breed Standards-The American Rabbit Breeder’s Association publishes a book of standards that helps identify many breeds of rabbits and cavies. Learn from a breeder and judge how to select the best.
- Can Rabbits Get the Flu?-Join a NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets animal health inspector and learn about common ailments, general health, diseases and how to prevent them.
- It’s Show Time! Learn from a show registrar how to put on a show. Topics will include show etiquette, organization and other normal routines to expect if you choose to enter the ring/arena.
There is a $15 per youth cost to attend the program – adult chaperones are free. Attendees are asked to bring their own lunch. Registration for the event must be done through your local Cornell Cooperative Extension Office and must be completed no later than April 23, 2018. All groups must have at least one chaperone per species track. Chaperones are asked to review the chaperone information sheet on the Animal Crackers website: Additional information about the event, as well as the Cornell University campus, can be found on the same website. Mark your calendars for one of the most exciting animal science programs of 2018!
—Cornell Cooperative Extension Seneca County
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