OLYMPIA, Wash. — USDA NASS released a Grain Stocks report for the Northwest Region.
All wheat stocks stored in all positions on September 1, 2023 totaled 65.0 million bushels in Idaho, down from 78.9 million bushels a year ago. Off-farm stocks were down 20 percent, while on-farm stocks were down 14 percent compared to the previous year. In Oregon, wheat stored in all positions totaled 38.3 million bushels, down from 49.6 million bushels a year ago. Off-farm stocks were down 20 percent, while on-farm stocks were down 32 percent compared to the previous year. In Washington, wheat stored in all positions totaled 137 million bushels, down from 156 million bushels a year ago. Off-farm stocks were down 9 percent, while on-farm stocks were down 34 percent compared to the previous year. Nationally, wheat stored in all positions totaled 1.78 billion bushels, up slightly from a year ago. Off-farm stocks were down slightly, while on-farm stocks were up 1 percent compared to the previous year.
Barley stocks stored in all positions on September 1, 2023 totaled 49.0 million bushels in Idaho, up from 41.7 million bushels a year ago. Off-farm stocks were up 2 percent, while on-farm stocks were up 26 percent compared to the previous year. In Oregon, barley stored in all positions totaled 738,000 bushels, down from 1.09 million bushels a year ago. Off-farm stocks were down 11 percent, while on-farm stocks were down 50 percent compared to the previous year. In Washington, barley stored in all positions totaled 6.02 million bushels, up from 5.44 million a year ago. Off-farm stocks were up 48 percent, while on-farm stocks were down 20 percent compared to the previous year. Nationally, barley stored in all positions totaled 179 million bushels, up from 166 million bushels from a year ago. Off-farm stocks were up 26 percent, while on-farm stocks were up 2 percent compared to the previous year.
Oats stocks stored in off-farm locations on September 1, 2023 totaled 294,000 bushels in Oregon, down from 308,000 bushels a year ago. In Washington, oats stored in all positions totaled 72,000 bushels, up from 50,000 bushels a year ago. Nationally, oats stored in all positions totaled 75.2 million bushels, up from 62.5 million bushels a year ago. Off-farm stocks were up 90 percent, while on-farm stocks were down 15 percent compared to the previous year.
Corn stocks stored in off-farm locations on September 1, 2023 totaled 2.47 million bushels in Idaho, up from 1.91 million bushels a year ago. In Washington, corn stored in off-farm locations totaled 3.36 million bushels, down from 3.96 million bushels a year ago. Nationally, corn stored in all positions totaled 1.36 billion bushels, down from 1.38 billion bushels a year ago. Off-farm stocks were down 13 percent, while on-farm stocks were up 19 percent compared to the previous year.